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What is the CAC?

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The Central Alabama Regional Child Advocacy Center is a non-profit organization that provides a safe, child friendly location for conducting forensic interviews of abused children. A forensic interview is a recorded session designed to obtain information from a child about an allegation of abuse. Interviews are only scheduled and conducted when a request is made by law enforcement and/or a social worker from the Department of Human Resources. The main goal of the CAC is to provide a safe environment and reduce the number of times the child will need to talk with different professionals.



The CAC has specially trained “Forensic Interviewers” that conduct each session. Each interview is witnessed by members of the multi-disciplinary team (DHR, Law Enforcement, DA’s Office) who view the interview through closed circuit television. All team members participate in regularly schedule meeting to review the disposition of each child's case.

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The Central Alabama Regional Child Advocacy Center serves Alabama 4th Judicial Circuit which includes Bibb, Dallas, Hale, Perry, and Wilcox counties. 

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